Hi, my name is

Divine Okafor-udah.

I build things for the web.

I am a Web Developer with specialization in crafting front-end User Interfaces & Experiences to the finest pixel. Currently, I am focussed on delivering human-centered interfaces with tailwindcss and a bunch of other tools.

About Me

I am a Web Developer with specialization in crafting front-end User Interfaces (UI) & Experiences (UX) to the finest pixel. I am proficient in Tailwindcss, Webflow, Figma, & Javascript.

I build Single Page Application/Web pages (SPA), Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), Full-fledged Websites, Ecommerce Store Fronts.

I am a beneficiary of the Andela Learning Community 4.0, Google Africa Developer Scholarship (GADS 2020) and certified a Mobile Web Specialist. I am very active in the Google Developers Group (GDG) in my locale of Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria. You can check out my certifications here.

These are some of the tools I use -:
  • javascript
  • node.js
  • tailwindcss
  • figma
  • webflow
  • git


Some of my noteworthy projects.

The cn-maestro e-commerce Business sells studio-grade musical equipment and accompaniments. They are the gateway to the best grade of musical equipment your money’s worth can buy.
  • php
  • javascript
Bluvardink EdTech organization is committed to bringing education to the remotest parts of Africa to students in dire need of an education.
  • Tailwindcss
  • javascript
Maestro Keep Inventory App is built with the small business person in mind. Goods can be tracked on this app and reciept-of-sale (ROS) generated for customers.
  • Tailwindcss
  • ES6
  • ES5
The Musica App was built as a response to the UI build challenge thrown by codingossy on twitter. Check it out here.
  • Tailwindcss
  • Javascript
  • Figma

Get In Touch

A Landing Page? A Storefront? An eCommerce Site? Get in touch and let us bring that great idea of yours to people who need them!

Contact Information

I will build high-quality content.
Reach out to me on anyone of these: